Thursday, April 10, 2008


Oh my! I know I have been bad this week and have NOT been posting photos! But I have been so busy I can BARELY keep my head above water! I am looking forward to a nice quiet weekend for sure!

Tonight is my anniversary! I feel badly because my husband has been working so hard with work and Nascar that he has not had a spare moment! We had tickets to a very small and intimate Buffett concert for Wednesday night but I had to cancel last minute due to babysitting issues! Hubby got to invite two of his closest friends (one jumping a flight from CA last minute!) and had a good time! I at least got caught up on some work that needed to be done! (I believe there is a reason for EVERYTHING!)

Here are a couple shots of my lovely flowers that hubby brought home for me this evening! He brought me some other goodies, but I am NOT sharing those! ;)

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