Monday, February 4, 2008


I love to read other professional photographer's blogs, and have a select few that I frequent. Some San Diego photogs posted some really interesting comments about "Why are professional photographers so expensive?"

You know... it is funny. I sit here and work at nights till 2am most nights and never really think twice about it. This article really made me think, you know? It really applies to all of us that have worked and educated ourselves in the field of photography. Whether there is a degree involved or just years of dedicated work to become a professional photographer. It's more than owning a digital camera.

So this is dedicated to all my photog friends that work as hard if not harder than I do to make their images stand out from the rest and make this not just a job, but a passion for life!



Sarah said...

You get what you pay for! We know what we'll walk away with when we come to you - amazing quality photos and a fun-filled experience! You're in a different league! :)

Amy Jamieson Photography Blog said...

Girl! I couldnt agree more! It is the same thing with your business! THAT is why your stuff is quality. I mean I dont know how you get away selling that stuff for such rock bottom prices!!!!
