Saturday, November 3, 2007

A true photographer's philosophy

Being a photographer is more than sitting down a family and shooting images for an hour while they play and then handing the client a disc of images. It is more than that. Anyone can do that. Photography is a passion that runs deep in those that have the education, passion and respect for our field and for our fellow photographers. It is a gift from Above, an eye, not something learned lightly. It is years of education, and practice and yearning for perfection in sweet simplicity.

The relationship (and I don't take this word lightly) is a relationship for life. You connect with these families, become one of their family for the day, and most of all create life long lasting memories for them. The relationship should not stop there. Each client needs and deserves that loving respect from signing their model release and beyond handing them their prints. Anyone can pick up a digital camera and produce images to sell, but I believe it takes something more to put those images on paper, the same way the family remembered that day.

Let me ask a question to those who have a digital camera? Or have had sessions done and not had your images printed? How many images stay on your computer? Do they really get to see the light? Are they printed and posted for others to enjoy the pure bliss of that day captured? Or is that moment in time lost forever on a CD? Don't let your treasured family moments become a lapse in time.

Photography is a love affair with light. How light changes, how it moves, and how you capture its essence with a camera. Because of new technology and software, these images can be enhanced in ways that no one has seen before. No more is it necessary to have muddy black and white images or washed out color. These images should reflect love. To me it is a love affair with photography.


snowbabe said...

Very well said Amy! AMEN! :)


Cindy said...

Hey Amy! I second that Amen! Sorry I haven't returned your call yet... I have been feeling icky this weekend...the bug that has been circulating Maricopa caught me! But I'll call you soon, promise!

Amy Jamieson Photography Blog said...

Ohh! Heavens! I hope you are feeling better Cindy!

My kids got it as well :( Hugs your way!

Sarah said...

what a beautiful post - you are our family's photographer for life! i am so glad we met! i cannot wait to hang our new prints in our new home! looking forward to Hannah's 3 month shots!

Sylvia Laughrin said...

Very well said Amy.
