Oh my! Okay I have put this off for a couple days now! Man! As if I can get ANY more behind than I already am? One of my dearest friends 'tagged' me on her blog and demanded that I reveal 8 things about myself on here! Playing blog tag seems like fun! But how to come up with 8 things? Okay... here I go....
1.) I know that no one who reads this and has met me at least one time will believe this for even a New York minute, but I am VERY shy. I use my humor and my personality as a defense mechanism. I am NOT very social on a normal basis. And this can cause problems! :(
2.) I talk because I am nervous. Bet you all just thought I talked! I have a great habit of being nervous most of the time I am in public or around family even! When I am nervous I always try to say the right thing, and it NEVER comes out right. Or I say something and wish I could just swallow it back up as quick as it came out!
3.) I hate to speak in public! I will do it to help people, raise money for the schools, and campaign when necessary. I am GREAT at asking for money when it is the schools in need. I ran a school funding committee and thought that the first time I addressed the school board, I was going to pee my pants, vomit, or cry right there on the spot.
4.) I am the active PTO president at my children's school on paper right now... and in effect after senior season sometime after October. One of my dear friends is co-ing (is that a word?) with me until I can get my feet on the ground. Love ya Christine! DH has been wondering what the real story is for a couple weeks now. I have been hemming and hawwing about what I am doing because I didn't want him to get mad. I know its because he worries. I think we need to donate as much time to the school as humanly possible.
5.) I secretly wish since I was as little as I can remember that I had blue eyes. I have the most funky colored green eyes, but always wished I had some blue with the blonde hair.
6.) I HATE being called AIM. This is a nickname that no matter who I meet... eventually starts calling me that. To be honest I don't like nicknames, yet I have them for my kids? Back to my nickname... AIM is a toothpaste, not a name. I think it all amounted to the fact that AIM toothpaste was really big when I was growing up and well I always wished my mom had named me something more exotic. Ha! The only person that I don't cringe when they call me AIM is my daddy. He gets away with it on a technicality.
7.) I wish I had a sister that I could pal around with. And of course my closest friends are out of state! DOH! I really feel like I am missing out on something intrinsic that should be the a core building block of relationships. Oh well, a lesson for the future. I am focusing my time and efforts to my children and pray that they will remain this close their entire lives. I work hard to make sure their home life is less dysfunctional than my own was.
8.) I love my career. I have never been in a job or career that I have loved as much as I love this. Not even working in the NICU or SICU. THIS is just as exciting to me as a trauma call and just as rewarding! My husband is the most supportive person in the world! He knows that the good Lord has something planned for me, and us! He supports my decisions in the home, our family, and my business just as much as I support him! We are a team. And darnnit it feels GOOD!
I guess by looking at this I could have listed more! But, then what would be left for YOU to get to know me in person? Just watch out... I talk when I am nervous!
Now I have to tag some others.... ACK! YOU HAVE BEEN TAGGGGGGED!
Starla Wideman
http://starlasphotog.blogspot.com/Tamara Tigner
http://tamaratignerphotography.blogspot.com/Dea Bell
http://ideallyyoursphotography.com/Nicole Cottom
http://www.nicolecottom.blogspot.com/Iliana Nunn