Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I had one mommy ask me to extend the baby planner special to Friday! She wanted to use her last payday before maternity leave for the planner! Yay! She is sooo excited!
So Here is your LAST chance to get the baby planner special!!!! Friday May 2, 2008 is the last day!!! So make sure if you want one, you better get one!!!!!!!! They are flying like hot cakes here!

Not due now? You can buy it now and we will start shooting when the time is right with you! This special is really rare and won't be back anytime soon!!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


So this one is for mom... but for Teacher "J" too... You know who you are! This baby is such an angel and I hope that mommy and daddy like these fun images!

This one is one of my favorites so far!

Monday, April 28, 2008


One for mom! This little boy is such a joy! I love it when they are so happy and easy to please when they get their photos taken!

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Utter beauty and perfection. This is one of my favorite mommies... and FAMILIES! Dad and Mom are so wonderful and easy going when they come in for their shots.
This little peanut is a new addition to the family and I will cherish these moments because they grow so fast!

Mom is such an awesome person and her personality shines through in her images. We miss her at school but I am so glad we get to see her here. And big brother?!?!? Oh Heavens! I love him to bits too!

Thank the Lord for little boys!!!!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

[skilz] hehe

Skilz... hahah sooo not a word I normally use hahahah!

Step Two: Repairing the boo-boos~!

Although someone this beautiful frequents my studio, I still want to make sure that if I make a mistake I can fix it. I am sure not perfect, so I try my hardest to get everything to look as perfect as can be.

This lovely girl was a senior volunteer for me this year and I told her that I would print some of her photos in return for her services. Not only is she such a beautiful girl, she is kind and incredibly sweet.

So, here I am showing you my boo-boo.... (ACK!) her necklace was twisted to the side a little and ding dong me missed it! So I have fixed it for mom! Even though her image straight from the camera is oh so sweet... I wanted it to be perfect! We added a little glare removal and a skin softener. What a gorgeous girl!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Step One: Great Lighting

Quality is essential when you are looking for a doctor, car, even a photographer! It is the same with light. When you seek out quality light and use modifiers you can make a world of a difference in your final image. There should be very little need to enhance, sharpen, or color correct if it is done properly straight out of the camera. Even blemishes can look minimal if the lighting is just well... let's say YUM!

I love light. I love how it dances across my subjects and shows me the twinkle in their eye. (It's that spot next to their catch lights...usually caused by a reflector ;) ) and it tells us just how the feel of our session is going to be. Just for the record? I like feisty clients!! haha

I don't believe that using enhancements on images is what can make a bad situation better or improve light when there is none, but they are sure fun to play with on properly exposed images! I tend more often than not to just make sure my light is properly exposed and the lovely light (whether it is from soft box or God's own creation) does the rest. If it is properly set up and exposed, it will look radiant on the computer and on print.

When was the last time you looked for the light in your child's eyes? Do it! Do it today before it gets hot and you don't want to be outside! Do it in the restaurants next to a gorgeous window and see what I get to see. It's YUMMY!

Enjoy the light... I know I do!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Awww aren't they just sooo cute? I am so excited we get to follow this family for a year!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Aren't these two sooo cute? I mean they look so much alike! The family was soo cute that they wanted family pictures in the Famed 4 jersey!


One for Mommy!!!! Nothing personal guys!!! Mommy asked and I delievered! haha
I finished three sessions today and tonight!!!! So you guys will be getting your session emails soon!
Keep watch on your email box.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Where ARE those little legs?!?!?! hehe These petties just look so dang cute on babies!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

[laugh] I know momma is watching... and I am DYING to finish them! Here is another teaser for you mom!

I have a date, so this is all you guys get for tonigh! Off to watch a movie!


What can you really say when you get something this sweet and this tiny????!?!!!?!?! I am excited to say that I will be following her growth for a year! YEAH! What a doll face. Big brother was AWESOME! And for you PACKER fans I will put on another one in a couple days!

Friday, April 18, 2008


Throwing tradition out the window! Trying fun new poses of family shots! Thankfully this little one was willing to 'participate'!

I know I don't get to post all my sessions, but the at least I can post the fun ones from the sessions I do post!



I love twins! I get quite a few boy multiples but not many girls! What's the deal? Haha

Here are a couple teasers for Grandma and Mom from a session today!


A natural? YES! Maybe soooooo! Here is Munch in fifth position!

Thursday, April 17, 2008


Colorful Kisses is the way to go! Check out these lovelies!

I can't wait to start working on these! I am DYING to look at the butterfly ones!


Okay so I knew my little baby planner was coming in today and I had JUST had these hats shipped from a very AWESOME East coast company to have some fun!

The name of the company you say?!?! It is a secret! I MIGHT tell ya!

Okay Sarah... I made sure and checked my space and prepped for all the hits! Here is your little muffin in her "Giggle" hat! WEEEEEE! I love babies!

Ready? Set........................ GO!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Hehehe! I love professional headshots. Oh my! It really brings me joy. Look at this lovely lady? Have you seen her around town before????

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hehe! I am loving my job lately. A lot of the same, but enough to keep me busy! I have a couple sessions to get caught up on, but in the meantime.... LOVING this shot! hahah
Uhmm helllllooo! Aren't they soooo grown up looking?!?!?!?!


Heheh... this little guy always makes me smile. I was getting to my LAST piece of energy until I got to this little guy's face and then I got a second wind! I am sure I will be up a lot longer now! hehe

What a cutie!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Spring flowers are so much fun! Especially when they are THIS cute!

Saturday, April 12, 2008


Now THIS was so cute! This puppy was soo full of energy that I was worried we would not get a cute shot of her with her momma. This dog was so sweet that I just can't imagine her being any other way! And her momma? Well, what can I say!?


Heheh! This little one's nick-name is MUNCH! Mom and Dad blessed me with their beautiful smiles today! And this little munchkin had SUCH a gorgeous little face AND personality. The WHOLE package! Mom, I will be calling you when I get my hats in! Her and my little T- man will be my models!

Here is a teaser! She was sooo funny laying on her back trying to tell us SHE was boss! Hahah! I couldn't resist the babylegs and toes!
I am NOT sharing anymore for today at least! hahah! I am gonna hit the sack before 2 am! Can you believe it?

Friday, April 11, 2008


Well, as I said earlier, the hubby is working with Nascar this week and weekend. He is entertaining this week so he is stuck driving the Hummer. It is always good when you take your youngest to school and she announces to EVERYONE that the Miller Truck is in our driveway! DOH! The things that kids say!!!!!

The 'boys' are going to the track today (a nice break after AIMS testing!) and hopefully they will have a GREAT day and night!

So in light of Nascar week... here is the Hummer. I love LOVE love the little puppy in the front! AWWWWWW!

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Oh my! I know I have been bad this week and have NOT been posting photos! But I have been so busy I can BARELY keep my head above water! I am looking forward to a nice quiet weekend for sure!

Tonight is my anniversary! I feel badly because my husband has been working so hard with work and Nascar that he has not had a spare moment! We had tickets to a very small and intimate Buffett concert for Wednesday night but I had to cancel last minute due to babysitting issues! Hubby got to invite two of his closest friends (one jumping a flight from CA last minute!) and had a good time! I at least got caught up on some work that needed to be done! (I believe there is a reason for EVERYTHING!)

Here are a couple shots of my lovely flowers that hubby brought home for me this evening! He brought me some other goodies, but I am NOT sharing those! ;)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


DH got to go to the Buffett concert tonight! How fun is this?!!?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Couples can be so fun! Once the guy warms up we can get some really cute candids!

Monday, April 7, 2008


Hehehe! She loooooks tough but this princess was really a sweetie pie!

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Hehehe... here you go mom! He sure worked the camera good for me this year! It pays off to be there again this year for sure! I even got a hug after this one! ANNNNNNNNNNNNND and high five and a 'knuckels'!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


Kitty Kat and Maddy! Heheh!

AAAHHHH I love my little girls!!! :)

Friday, April 4, 2008


Shot some more little league the other night! I love to NOT post clients because I WANT to play more for personal time. Now if I only did not need sleep! ;)

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Sometimes teens can be stinkers, but most of the time they are pretty good! ;) I can't wait till mine are older!!! (Or can I? haha)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Now these kids just get cuter and cuter every year! I love how they remember me and feel comfortable with me! Isn't she just a cutie patootie? I mean LOOK at that SPUNK!
Just an outtake from some fun shooting at school!
