Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Are we there yet??

Oh man it is almost Friday right? I ordered some really cute hair clips from Colorful Kisses and they ship on Friday... Is it Friday yet?


(Photo borrowed from Colorful Kisses website. Thanks Sarah!)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hit this!!!!

I think this is a must have link to this awesome store! Anyone that has a little girl and is looking for something stylish and adorable MUST visit this site!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Went to bed early last night in preparation of the AZ science museum field trip today. WHOA! What an experience. We got to see the Titanic exhibit and the IMAX movie AND had a great day! Here is an outtake from the bus! The boys thought it hilarious when I took partial photos of their faces! haha BOYS!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A fun night!

Full of fun surprises! Here you go Cheryl..... sooc! I will edit one for your desktop! Airbrush and all! Haha

Monday, January 21, 2008


Okay so family day was a hoot! We hit some antique stores (I secretly looooove to shop!) AND!!!!! I got new shoes.... we spent a ton of time together and had a TON of fun! I wish I had brought my camera! hahahah

Just a quick snap! But I was giddy because they are sooooooooooooooooooooooo me!!!! heheh

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Yeah! Tomorrow is going to be a great day! It has been MONTHS since we could have family time, and I am soooo looking forward to it.

Sorry I have not posted in a couple days, but this weekend has ROCKED!

I promise to be back to posting tomorrow! :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yellow Peace

In this crazy life sometimes we need things that help bring us peace. I have had a crazy couple months and sometimes I just need something to focus on that is very calming and soothing! This seemed to do the trick. I have had it since college and I am NOT kidding have not broken it out in AGES. Well, it has found a new home on my nice new desk!


Sunday, January 13, 2008

An interesting view from a market leader....

Found this to be very interesting. A friend forwarded this to me from a professional photography forum. This is so true. It speaks volumes. Although most people would love to have digital images... it really degrades our industry as a whole. I hope clients see the quality and understand why the photographers that don't sell their images have good reason not to.


Drawbacks to Relinquishing Your Electronic Image Files
By Patrick Rice

Unfortunately, more and more photographers are caving-in to client requests to relinquish their electronic files on a CD or DVD. While there is the illusion that you are booking additional work because of this policy, it is a shortsighted gain at best. First of all, if a client truly wants to secure your services, not receiving the electronic image files will not be a determining factor in their decision. Second, releasing the electronic image files allows the client to have YOUR images printed at ANY local drug store, super store or warehouse club. These facilities do not maintain the same high standards of quality control that professional color labs adhere to. Both the client and the professional photographer lose when inferior images are printed from your electronic files.

To validate this statement, I did a market test that any photographer can repeat in their area. I placed a single wedding image of a bride and groom in church posed on the altar on a CD and brought it to several of my local drug stores, super stores and warehouse clubs. The results were eye opening. The bride’s white dress had a colorcast of red, yellow and blue from three of the stores where the print was made. While a few of the stores made an acceptable print, none had the ‘snap’ that you receive from a professional color lab. Moreover, one of the stores actually printed the image out of focus!

When your client takes your electronic image files to one of these stores for their cheap printing and receive inferior results, who do you think suffers more? I believe that the reputation of the professional photographer is damaged every time this occurs. Worse yet, once you relinquish your electronic image files, you’ll never even know when your client experiences this type of problem. Your reputation as a professional is being irreparably tarnished and you aren’t even around to provide an explanation! When your client’s friends and family view inferior quality prints of your work, they will probably assume that you created the images poorly. It is doubtful that they will fault the store that printed the photos. Over time, the professional photographer’s referrals will diminish and they will secure viewer bookings and wonder why. Knowing the way some photographers think, they will then probably lower their prices thinking that will solve their problems. Soon, they will be out of business or looking for a “real” job to pay their bills. Sadly, professional photographers are causing the problems that will lead to their demise.

Friday, January 11, 2008

My Baby Face!

Well, I am sure you can figure out who drew this. She even signed it! HA! I HAD to share something a little different today because it was fun. Since my little one started preschool we have seen HUGE changes in her. We are so proud of our little muppet head!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Boudoir Sessions...

Okay are you ready?!?!?

For all you married ladies out there that want to reconnect with your husband, I have got the perfect Valentine's day gift that will knock his socks right off! Schedule an intimate session in the studio and give him the gift of you. Women have been stereotyped and pushed by media great and small to believe that their bodies are not good enough. It is my passion, and my dream to help women feel great about themselves.

Subtle or sassy, you decide! Dress to your comfort level and enjoy being a star for up to two hours of one on one time with a professional photographer.

Regular Price

The Beginner Package:Personal Session Fee ($100)
12 4x5 images mounted in a leather album
CD presentation set to music

Online gallery and convenient shopping cart
All for only: $425 (plus sitting fee)

As an introductory price for January, we will be slashing the price to $425 TOTAL...
yep that's right YOUR SESSION FEE IS FREE! So for $425 you will get everything you see above!
That is a $100 in savings! This includes all airbrushing and skin treatment.

Call and book today! Your husband will thank you!
(Does not apply to portrait parties or women only parties.)

Head start

for today! Today is going to be awesome! I can already tell. I am going to start my February Special this month! All you married ladies that want to have a boudior session done for your darling husbands, I am offering a great discount! Check back tonight for the details.....

And! I think I will be posting another baby planner special! Last month was SUCH a hit that I want to run it again for a few people that JUST found out they are pregnant! And one or two that MIGHT have missed it in December! :) Oh and... wanna extend your mini Baby Planner to a full year? WE CAN DO THAT TOO! Oh my I love babies! Pay attention hehe because THAT will be going up next!

Oh heck.. I might as well give a Senior Special for the next month! What did I tell you!?!?!?! IT IS A GREAT DAY!

I know I know...

I have been bad. I haven't been feeling up to it. I have been so busy I don't even have time to sleep! In between clients I have revamped my splash page and am even working on a new logo! It's been crazy. Next is to gut out the website page by page! If you had your session after October of 2007, welcome to my new online viewing and shopping cart. I hope to have the shopping section done by the begining of February... BUT I got sidetracked with clients! Never can complain!!!!

I have also been welcomed into the Think Pink network and will be attaching their info to my website soon. Hope you are all having a blessed week! And sorry I have been MIA!

Monday, January 7, 2008

A shout out for da' MAN!

Okay so the Eman deserves recognition! He has raised his grades to ALL A's and a couple B's! NOTHING LOWER THAN B+!!!!!!!!! 3.43 average man! WHOOO HOOOOOO! It was hard changing schools, but we are BACK ON TRACK and ready to ROCK!

Rock on little buddy! Keep up the killer work! We know this year is only going to get better!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Working furiously!

On this LOVELY family! Aren't they just cute as buttons? I didn't even post last night because can you believe it I took the night off? Holy toledo! We had a date night. If you haven't seen National Treasure 2.... I HIGHLY recommend it! It was a blast!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Bad AMY!

Okay so I did not post yesterday. I promise I have been working my toosh off to get post Christmas clients done! Man... so much for taking the week of Christmas off! But guess what? I have the whole weekend to myself (well with my family!) and I am going to take advantage of it to gut out my house. Anyone wanna come over and help? hah! Then I want to get some play time in with MY kids and get their pictures done. Sheesh! What a bad mom!

So no photo tonight! Meeeeee's Sleepy!

See you tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jenn! Here you go... a sneak peak!

A lovely family. Talk about a joy to work with! God has truly blessed me with getting such great clients and I am forever in His debt!
