Sunday, April 29, 2007

Little Boy's Wish!

Please visit this website and try to make this little boy's dream come true!!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Took out that...

Anger and put it to something useful (thanks honey!) I cleaned out my studio from top to bottom today... and I didn't take before pictures to spare you the mess it was. Let's just say it took all day with only taking time out to go to the market once... and eating dinner for 30 minutes. Whew! What a pain! But my wonderful husband gave me two whole shelves in the garage for my seasonal props etc so I am ready and in action!!!! See that NONE of my SL drops are on the floor anymore? WHOO HOO!

My Inlaws ROCK!

So, my Father-in-law brought over this awesome trike. I want to take antique photos of my girls in frilly dresses next to this cute little horse! I can't decide on a conversion I like best... so I thought I would post all of them! Haha Isn't my Father-in-law the coolest??? It was such a surprise... and definitely a pick me up I needed!!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Not much today..

to report. At least it is Friday and I am looking forward to a long weekend. I hope you are all doing the same!!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

the Bench Warmers

Oh ... how I love baseball season! I would take photos all day and night if I could!!! The boys are stinking cute and no matter where I am or where they are, you can ALWAYS capture someone with a cute face or them doing something wonky! The boys won again tonight!

I also like to take photos of weird things... The coach lines up all their cups so I was playing with my DOF. I love my camera!

Monday, April 9, 2007


We have two administrators that are in risk of losing their contracts here. I support both of them and had two signs in my yard stating that. Today they were stolen. Stakes and all!!! Well guess what sign theives??? I have a TON more where that came from.

You disagree with me? Write it on YOUR car and put a sign in YOUR yard. DON'T STEP ONTO MY PROPERTY AND STEAL FROM ME!!!!!!!!! What a low life you are!!!!!! (And.. I hope you are reading this ;) )

Friday, April 6, 2007

My Yellow blessings....

I love Arizona this time of year. We have these beautiful trees that line the streets of our community. They are all starting to bloom this time of year and they are just yummy. My girls like it when they wave in the wind. Last year on the day of Grandpa J's funeral I was driving down a street in Mesa and all of a sudden a wind picked up and dumped a flurry of little yellow blossoms all over my car. It was just a little sign of Heaven and the only happy thought I had had all day. I know that he loved plants... and well it made me feel warm.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Little man Nate....

I love this little guy! His mom is just such a sweetie and you can just see that he is a cutie pie! He came in for his one year shots with the cake and since I am only about half way done, I thought I would show one that I pulled out sooc. Aren't his eyes to die for???

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Time off!

After much poking and prodding from DH.. AJP will be closed for any session in April EXCEPT for what is scheduled as of today. (Unless of course my baby planner goes into labor!!!) :D Hopefully she will not have her baby until I am back from Wisconsin! ACK! Well, and then there is that one teacher and her baby... hahah.. Oh man he is gonna kill me! Hehehe


All family members and blog readers!!!!! I am in need of a chair. The stools we are using for the holiday photos we are doing just don't seem to be cutting it. I will be painting a backdrop soon for each season, and I need a chair that would LOOK regal enough to sit Santa in but humble enough to be free. ;) It can be in a loved and used condition as long as it is repairable and people can sit in it.

If you see one or know someone who has something we can use, please contact me at (602) 358-4290. I was thinking like 1970's throne-ish looking chair would be cool! Haha... Anyone? Anyone??? hehe Thanks for listening!


So I go to the grocery store today and there are no carts. I am thinking wow... I am soo not used to shopping after school and after work, it is crazy here. The isles are packed and shelves look demolished. I wonder.. hmm why does it seem to be crazier than normal in here? DOH! Its Easter time! So in the spirit of Easter I thought I would post another Bunny Picture. They are finally all done... all 500 of them. If I see another bunny in the next year it will be a year too soon! hahah

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Easter is coming!!

Oh my! I love holidays! Our dance studio donates so much time and energy to fundraising and food/toy drives during the holidays that I just can't help but get involved. THIS just makes you feel good... and the kids are just sooo stinking cute. Here is Bailey. She will be featured in the paper this week too. Isn't she a cutie pie??? And well the bunny.... anyone for bunny soup??? J/K Shannon!!!!! Hahaha I have over 500 images to sort through! Oh MY!!!!!!!!

Monday, April 2, 2007


At this baby!

This was a fun session! I had two little gems under age one.. and got to try out my new teapots and hat boxes! Hahah... She was getting upset!!! Mom told me that she was in a very happy mood... and that she would be right over. She changed her mind AND her mood when it was her turn in the hat box!
